Hotfix - Mobile APK Download

The mobile link for the Android version should now take you directly to the APK and no longer to the zip file containing the APK -- this should help our Mobile-only users that may not be able to unzip the file before transferring it to their mobile device, sorry for the inconvenience!


(Mobile) Light-Space Love (Prototype) 0.43 - Episode 1, Part 3
Dec 01, 2023

Get Light-Space Love


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Still doesnt work. I download the game and maybe get a flash of the unity screen before permanent black screen. Doesnt matter how many times i redownload it. Doesnt matter through what means i install it. Android version still wont function. Am i doing it wrong or is it just broken?


You may have to wait some time for the first scene to load -- I'll add in a loading screen in the next version, but the first scene doesn't have a loading screen which may be why you're seeing a blank screen while everything loads.

How long have you waited for the screen to stop loading?

at least 5 minutes. Ill keep trying and let ya know but so far, nothing but black screen of death

Hmm, that's odd. What device are you using?

Also, could you do me a favor and download this version of the game? It's the test build of the same version, there should be some red error messages that pop up when you load the black screen, could you share with me those messages?

galaxy s22.  I finally got it to work through getting a new app to install it through. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the help

Glad you got it working!

Would you mind telling me what you did to get the install working? It might help me diagnose the issue for other players.