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are the Mac builds just the mini games????


Would be nice to be able to turn into a futa in a future episode

(2 edits)

What is the difference between the Story mode and the Arcade mode? Someone pls tell.I am a beginner so what should I go with? And also what do we do with the customization thing? Also how do I save and return back to the prev dialogue?

As of right now, nothing really honestly

The Arcade Mode is more of an "abridged" version of the game's story. If you don't feel like exploring and want to be guided through the main content in a much less serious tone, you can play the Arcade episodes.

Oh thanx.


Is there no way to have only lesbian and futa?

i never use mega download on mobile before and when it done download i dont see it anywhere even in the file it just in the transfer section of mega need help on this 

nvm i can download it using web mega gonna uninstall mega app

Glad to hear you got it working -- and yeah, Mega can be a bit finnicky at times.

Yeah mega is quite "special" in the sense that in app you need to export(import?) instead of download, or smth like that idk I forgot

(2 edits) (+1)

Theres a bug with the canteen and the VIP area, no matter what option you choose theres no dialogue and you get stuck as you cant get into the VIP and beat the mysterious warrior

On PC and Story mode V.48

Would you be able to share more details about the issue -- a screenshot would be helpful, so I can find out which NPC has the issue.

We have a ticketing thread in our discord, if you could post it over there I would super appreciate it!

(3 edits)

It was the barkeep in the canteen on the second planet,cant recall the name of,the one with the fighting arena 

I can screen record the interaction if you'd find that helpful,as well as a copy of the save file in question 


I believe this is the embedded code if it doesn't work DM on discord @[REDACTED] (thats the name of the account, not a joke btw)

Yep, I got it. Thank you so much!


Please, make MORE Futa On Female stuff. 

Can you make Shotacon too, please?


There is more planned futa on female content in Episode 2, though we won't be adding in any shotacon.

Well at least I have my Futa XD

But why no Shota? I think it will be perfect for this game. 


If forced orgasm fetish is in the game will denial fetish be too?


Yep, we've got some orgasm denial content planned in episode 2 -- most of it is planned to be futa denial or a female character denying a male type content.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hopefully futa and some female.

Release on steam

Hi,the game is promising and pretty good. Continue the good work :) I wanted to report that the cursor disappear on Mac.

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying your time with it!

I haven't seen this issue myself -- is there a certain screen where the cursor disappears or does it never appear for you?

Yay max level loving this game looking for more


still loving the game. only major issue, and i probably should have mentioned this last patch involves the game freezing at a black screen going into the trial of purity. its the only issue i think i've come across. wonderful game despite that, and its incredibly rare

Thanks for letting me know -- is this on PC, Mac or Android? And does this happen from the Arcade or in the story mode?

pc, and story mode.


Gonna try this out, Great Work on the Lusties lair mod for DD by the way 

Thanks, hope you enjoy it!

I've also got a section coming in Episode 2 that'll tie into Lustiest Lair :D

Sounds good, keep up that good work and you will come far and reach your Dreams :3


This game is AMAZING!!! 😍 

Please, insert some Shota stuff, I really want see some Shota Bullies fuck the protagonist with a Gangbang :3


pretty sure that would be against's tos


Looking at their comment history i feel like their account is existing is againts the TOS. It's the same request to multiple games. Kinda sus

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm gonna report them


This might very well be the best game in its genre I've seen since Karryn's Prison!

I really hope it gets completed (a rare thing in this indie space). So much potential here!

Cant download it can you add it as app


Can i get her pregnant somehow?

Deleted 97 days ago

this is a great game! if I my suggest, would be nice if there is a wait/skip turn button for combat, as not to waste skills or such


So weird nitpick I have regarding the Futa Goblin woman on the prison planet. It feels kinda strange to give her so much dialogue regarding getting the other prisoners pregnant in her intro scene and then not have her attempt to do the same to the player character.

It might be fun to give her an alternate player defeat scene if Linessa has a high enough love stat (enough to unlock sex during battles) where she tries to knock the captain up like the other prisoners.

Also minor bug, the internal cumshots during the lizardman arena defeat scenes are very off center if you have the game on full screen.

Deleted 140 days ago

Do you plan to release it on steam when the game is finished? That would be awesome

(1 edit)

would try this if it had another dl mirror since I can't get mega to finish.

Edit,got it to dl.  Great game.  Looking forward to more variations in combat.  Everything was great just needs more.  Might be a lil too easy but that didn't really feel like a real problem.

when is 0.47 expected to be released? 

I'll be releasing it publicly once version 0.48 starts its next release cycle! I should have an ETA on that pretty soon -- I tend to post more regularly in our Discord.

(2 edits) (+1)

Nice game, tho I hope with more updates there will be more variability, right now it's very repetetive.

Also one thing to the fights - too quick, I'd increase all bars by at least double.

Thanks for the feedback, balancing the pleasure damages is on my to-do list for sure.

Tell you what, though, this game could improve in many areas. For example, add more menu options. This will allow the user to customize their experience better. I found the screenshake to be particularly egregious, for example. Also the enemy barks as they do their moves gets particularly grating. Plus there's no way to exit an encounter back to the main menu once you're in it. Like in its current state, it works, but the game is still very user-unfriendly. 

Appreciate the feedback -- and I would look to expand the options again in a future update (mainly audio-related stuff atm) but I'll keep that in mind!

Giant alien spiders are no joke! Lol but anyway, even though the name is a bit silly (Was "Light-Speed Love" taken?) I'm a bitch for this lewd science-fiction aesthetic where everything is hyper-sexualized, but still played completely straight, at least most of the time. I'm excited to try this game out, and follow it for future updates.

Thanks! Glad you're digging! And tbh the name was just chosen by throwing a bunch of space and lewd related words into a hat, haha.

(2 edits) (+1)

If it's ok to ask,do you have a rough estimate for when the impregnation system will be added?


If you check out our roadmap, I try to follow that pretty closely, so pregnancy is planned about after Ep. 2:

when will there be more animations, for like example for some reason I can’t get “seduced” it just always says evade. And the only thing the enemy does is seduce me for a hj and then after that just the same stuff over and over. 




Unfortunately, v 0.46 isn't on Mac, but Version 0.47 supports Mac now!

would this ever be able to be available on mac?


We just added Mac support in version 0.47 (which is only available to backers). So eventually, it will make its way here!


will the facehuggers turn you into some kinda xenomorph when they are eventually added? I'd enjoy it if they did, cuz transformations are a very fun thing i quite like, especially if they are playable.


This game is coming along nicely. Looking forward to the more final builds in the coming years!

Why would a porn game refuse to include swearing? It just feels weird and childish


I try to take a lot of inspiration from the more campy sci-fi from the 80s and 90s for this project -- and that kind of thing was pretty common, so that's where the idea for the "future slang" comes from.


That makes more sense. I suppose I can see the vision


will there be a bit of animation in future sex scenes?

Error stating this game canot be played on this newer version of Android.

Thanks for the report, it's an issue I'm aware of and should have a fix for it in the next build.

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