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if it says not safe to run what should I do because this looks like a good game and it has good comments

That might be a warning from Unity -- sometimes I get a permissions warning when running a new build on my PC.

If you're running it on mobile, you might have to click "More details" when installing.


This is an amazing game so far but I did go into expecting impregnation because of the lists of fetishes but got disappointed when I looked at the roadmap to see it still in development

Thanks, glad to hear you're enjoying it.

And yeah, I'm looking to get a large enough number of events first in which impregnation can happen before I implement the system.


hmm… it would be nice to have the option of scenes with cum inflation

Definitely, you'll be happy to know I do have some cumflation content planned.


I'm missing one last scene in the arcade. It's the very last one. Does anyone know how I can get it?

That scene is going to be added in a future version -- in 0.43 it's just the four scenes you see in the Arcade.

Thanks for the answer! I really appreciate it

On android - for some reason I can't stage the app it's incompatible with my version of android? (Android 14 on Google pixel)

Not sure if this applies, but Android app took up to two minutes to actually start up on mine. Blackscreen for that wait period. Thought it crashed, but was just initializing.

If it's crashing, try updating your phone version.

(1 edit)

Are you using an emulator or an Android device?

An android device, is this a 32 bit game? It's not that it's a third party APK that's the issue. I also tried running the pc version through joiplay but no luck

Please use a different host than mega for apk. Mega on mobile browsers doesn't actually download, it decrypts 100% and then gets stuck.

if you can, use the "open the pc version of the page"(or something that's named like that) in your browser. it will work then.

You have to use mega app for anything over a gig and not the browser. Otherwise it will likely just dump the download partway through ir give you the yellow error message.

And even the mega app doesn't work well. I managed to get the game in browser mode after a refresh, but that only works 50% of the time.

Thanks for the heads up, I had no idea Mega had issues on mobile. 

I just updated the link to use as the host.

im not sure it my phone but the game doesn't load in. It only shows the unity logo and nothing else but a gray screen.


You may have to wait some time for the first scene to load -- I'll add in a loading screen in the next version, but the first scene doesn't have a loading screen which may be why you're seeing a blank screen while everything loads.

How long have you waited for the screen to stop loading?

Same issue. Main menu pops up about 45-55s after Unity symbol fades.

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Over 2 minute wait for mine for first play.I gave up waiting, went and did laundry. Cane back, and it was up finally.

 i past 15 min mark and it finish loaded once but second time it just past 20 min mark. 

Yeah, these load times aren't ideal -- it looks like there is some optimization I can do.

It looks like I have some preloading options that were defaulted when I exported the game which may be the culprit -- instead it could load a lot of these files on the fly since they're infrequently referenced.


The android download link is a zip link not apk can't install on mobile

(Im not the dev so take it with a grain of salt)

I found out if you unpack the .zip it will give you an .APK I used RAR to unpack it and it worked hope this helps :)


Thanks for pointing that out -- I updated the download link to the APK!


Love the game, and one question. What is the fastest way to get indecency?

When you lose (screenshots 11, 12), almost at the end of the battle (when the scale is almost full), quickly click on some action(plead).

For example, I have a macro on a mouse that gives 200 clicks/second. I just click the macro on the action, for example, "Friendly"

Is there support for Android and if so how does one get it?

I'll be releasing the Android version in the next update which is going to drop to supporters on Patreon/SubscribeStar first, starting next week -- then everyone will get access when the update goes public in December.

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You have NO IDEA just how damn happy I am to see that delectable yuriliciousness, seriously. ^-^

Also, will the MC be able to become a permanent futa in the future?  I'm asking since that seems to be a possibility is all.  If it can go further than that than i'd absolutely LOVE IT if she could eventually become a slime girl futa, since i'm not joking ONE BIT when I say that I. Fucking. LOVE. Slime girls... <3 <3

If slime girl transformation isn't possible then at least I hope that the perma-futa option is available at the very least. ^^


Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm also slime girl enjoyer, but there's no plans for the MC to become one, though there are a few NPC slime girls that you will encounter.

As far as the Futa MC being permanent, I'm planning on having that entire section be repeatable -- so you can keep revisiting that waypoint to gain XP, rep and Funding and replay the events for the side mission.

There aren't any plans to let her be a permanent futa -- but I may add some events where she could "activate" the futa-ness again, depending on how I decide to resolve that side mission.

I'll have a better idea on what that looks like when I start development on that piece.

Ah, I see. :)   It'd be nice if the option to have her become a permanent futa was done, and i'm IMMENSELY RELIEVED that you're a fellow slime girl-lover like myself.  A shame there won't be an option to have the MC become a slime girl, but at the very least i'm glad that there's a delectable futa-option for the MC. <3

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is there an Android versión?

Not yet -- this next update I'm working on will have Android support.

And does it works on joiplay?

I don't think so -- this game is made in Unity and it looks like joiplay doesn't support Unity.

fair, thanks still

Hey Halftilt, how goes the diplomacy update?

(1 edit)

Hey there -- I'm pretty deep in the diplomacy update, at the moment I just need to handle the turn system, add in the sex positions and new cut-in animations, then pretty things up.

Once I'm finished there, I should have a release date when I move onto dialogue and maps for the new planet, which should be wrapped up a lot quicker.

Question: What is the depth of the pregnancy system?

The pregnancy system hasn't been added yet -- it's planned around Ep. 2 if you check out the roadmap.

I do plan on allowing access to unique mini-games, events and dialogue when the player is pregnant, and it'll increase your reputation with different factions, depending on the species of the pregnancy.

The design isn't finalized, but hope that answers your question!

I skipped a lot of early dialogue so idk if this is a big, but one thing I found is where if you spam whatever button you use for entering (for example, spamming space bar), you will use your combat option repeatedly - although in one turn. this results in high single target damage, but the other enemies will attack the same number of times if the targeted enemy isn't the only one and you won't be able to retaliate. otherwise, yippee good game 

Oh, wow. Good catch! I'll see if I can get that resolved if it's not fixed in the supporter version.

Glad you're having fun, too!

Is there any current way in the free version that you can unlock the blowjob skill or is it still in the SubscribeStar version? If it's available from the 0.41 prototype, how do I go about unlocking it?


It's unlockable in the current version, you just need to get your Indecency high enough -- unfortunately that version has a bug, which makes leveling Indecency slower than it should be. 

That leveling bug is fixed in the next build though.

is there a typo in the release version of the game? its says it is the .11 version when i start up the game after downloading the .41 version

Looks like you're right, that is a typo!

You're on the correct version, though.

im not getting any audio has it not been put in yet

No idea what could be the cause of that, what device are you playing on? Also are the sliders set to max in your Settings?

Are there any plans to translate into other languages in the future, such as Chinese? Even machine translation is acceptable to me.

I don't have any official plans yet, though I am aware of some new MTL tools that use deep learning that seem pretty promising and looks like there could be some automation for machine translation in the future.

But as of right now, there's a lot of systems I plan to take care of first before I start looking into translation (like support for Android/Mobile).

And thanks for checking out our project!


Cool game, Definitely keeping this game on my radar until the android version drops in the future


Any plans for Android compatibility?


Yep, I'm currently testing the Android export! I have some re-factoring to do, but either version 0.42 or 0.43 will also be on Android!

i forgot about this game since it been a long time since i last played


Why is the 0.3 download tagged "macOS"? There's no Mac code in the archive.

(1 edit) (+2)

It's it possible/planned to get this running on Android?

Edit: found your comment stating "looking to add in Android support in the future" thanks, I'll keep an eye out.


Love the game but fullscreen isn`t working for me


It'll be added in the next version -- had a few issues setting it up during the migration.

Does this work on joiplay?

It's built in Unity now -- so I don't think so? I'm not totally familiar with joiplay. What platform are you looking to play this on?

is an emulator to play games from computer on phone, but as far i know it just work with rpg maker games. Still thanks anyway ^^

Gotcha, I'm looking to add in Android support in the future -- Unity seems to support exporting to mobile, but I think there's a few things I have to do to make sure the interface is actually intractable on mobile.

thats good to hear

(1 edit)

Unity games do not work natively in Joiplay, godot sometimes can, and html games usually work too. Additionally, renpy and some rpgmaker games work.

Just to clarify,neither version of this game works on it.

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how do you properly a access the download file like this game's to play it, I'm sadly clueless. 

Does the "Download" link on the page not work?

crazy how i never saw this response until now and i've checked it way to often, before when i said that it didn't however now it most certainly does work.

In the lewd. analysis under the body tab shows bust size = 114cm. Does that mean you have plans to make them bigger? Also what does the other data mean?

Hey there -- I'm actually changing that page entirely in the next version -- it's going to be tracking other data like her romantic relationships and how "lewd" she is.

good game bro good job

Thanks, appreciate the kind words

Looks interesting. Do you plan to add futa content?

Hey, thanks for stopping by!

Yep, there are a small few futa characters that'll be part of the main story -- though most of the futa content is going to be part of some coming optional missions; one side mission is currently being worked on that's planned for pretty early in the game, though it might not make the upcoming release since a good chunk of artwork is still being created for it.

I always like games with futa content, especially with a female or (optional) futa main character :D
I'll give the game a try :)

how to exit form the cave

Unfortunate that I ended up with no way to grind to 35 points except repeating events. Which repeating events seems to completely bug out the game. As it says I have 36 points, but in fact I only have 32 according to dialog.

It's good enough for what it is and it's about the level of broken I expected from an early release. This could certainly turn into something in the future. 

Had the same bug, entering and closing the world map fixed it.

thanks for reporting the bug

this should be fixed in the next release -- which will be on the Patreon/SubStar towards the end of this month and publicly available here by the end of October.

Would be interested in hearing what you all liked and disliked most about the prototype

Wow, looks nice, will be waiting for updates!

game looks great so far

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